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New Vision Community Church:

Helping People See Christ

Update:  During the Covid-19 pandemic we continue to hold Online Church services using Facebook Live Streaming and YouTube.  

Here is how it works:  From 6 PM to 6:45 PM EST each Saturday we do a live streaming service.  Go To our Facebook page at

Facebook:  New Vision Community Church In Northwest Orange County

We have no way of knowing you are watching unless you make a comment, click "like", or share.  You can watch any of our video messages anonymously. 


If you engage with the video you will meet some of our local Believers.  They are awesome.   You may see them saying hello to each other or making other comments as a form of fellowship and togetherness.  Don't be surprised if they welcome you. 


If you watch anytime after 6:45 AM EST on Saturday, it is an On-Demand video.  It looks live.  


We will continue to produce Live Streaming Church Services even after the virus crisis.  Online church is here to stay.  Because of an increase in Covid-19 cases in Central Florida we have decided to not reopen "In Person" church at least through September.   On Sunday, July 12, Florida reported a record number of new cases with 15,300 in one day. 


We had our first live streaming on March 22.  That broadcast was viewed by 152, 567 people in 100+ countries.  We were shocked.  Our Resurrection Sunday (Easter) broadcast was viewed by 772,118 people in 150+ countries.   That week we had 5,874 "likes," and "Loves," and only 10 dislikes.  The broadcast was shared by 402 people and had 477 comments.  


Since March 22 the number of our Facebook Followers has grown from 50 to 2,274.  Our 14 church broadcasts have been viewed by over 3 million people.   That's one million people a month.   We estimate several thousand have been saved since March 22.  God is doing something special. 

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Physical Address:

3927 W Orange Blossom Trail

Apopka, Fl 32712

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1208

Plymouth, Fl 32768

Phone: (407) 886-3619

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